write 36 word its meaning and use it in sentence (new enlish words)
Anthropocene (adj) : Relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. (Noun: The Anthropocene.)
2. Anytown (n): A real or fictional place regarded as being typical of a small U.S. town.
3. Autotune (n): A device or facility for tuning something automatically, especially a computer program which enables the correction of an out-of-tune vocal performance.
4. Badassery (n): Behavior, characteristics, or actions regarded as formidably impressive.
5. Big Data (n): Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.
6. Binge-Watch (v): Watch multiple episodes of (a television program) in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.
7. Buzzworthy (adj): Likely to arouse the interest and attention of the public, either by media coverage or word of mouth.
8. Bling (n): Expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry.
10. Chillax (v): Calm down and relax.
11. Crunk (adj): Very excited or full of energy.
12. DIY (adj and n): The activity of decorating, building, and making repairs at home by oneself rather than employing a professional.
13. D'oh (ex): Exclamation used to comment on a foolish or stupid action, especially one’s own.
14. Droolworthy (adj): Extremely attractive or desirable.
15. Fatberg (n): A very large mass of solid waste in a sewerage system, consisting especially of congealed fat and personal hygiene products that have been flushed down toilets.
16. Frankenfood (n): Genetically modified food.
17. Geekfest (n): A gathering of geeks, especially one devoted to technical discussions; a single ongoing activity that is particularly appealing to geeks.
18. Grrrl (n): A young woman regarded as independent and strong or aggressive, especially in her attitude to men or in her sexuality.
19. Guyliner (n): Eyeliner that is worn by men.
20. Hater (n): A person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing.
21. Illiterati (n): People who are not well educated or well informed about a particular subject or sphere of activity.
22. Infomania (n): The compulsive desire to check or accumulate news and information, typically via mobile phone or computer.
23. Jeggings (n): Tight-fitting stretch trousers for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans.
24. La-la Land (n): A fanciful state or dream world. Also, Los Angeles.
26. Listicle (n): A piece of writing or other content presented wholly or partly in the form of a list.
27. Locavore (n): A person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food.
28. Mankini (n): A brief one-piece bathing garment for men, with a T-back.
29. Mansplain (v): (of a man) Explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
30. Microaggression (n): A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.
31. Mini-Me (n): A person closely resembling a smaller or younger version of another.
32. Muffin Top (n): A roll of fat visible above the top of a pair of women’s tight-fitting low-waisted trousers.
33. Muggle (n): A person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill.
34. Noob (n): A person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the internet.
35. Obvs (adv): Obviously.
36. OMG (ex): Used to express surprise, excitement, or disbelief. (Dates back to 1917.)
37. Po-po (n): The police.
38. Purple State (n): A U.S. state where the Democratic and Republican parties have similar levels of support among voters.
39. Screenager (n): A person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the internet.
40. Sexting (n): The sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone.
41. Textspeak (n): Language regarded as characteristic of text messages, consisting of abbreviations, acronyms, initials, emoticons. (wut hpns win u write lyk dis.)
42. Totes (adv): Totally.
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