Write 4 different solutions of 2x+y=d
Step-by-step explanation:
bcnnfjsjdOf all the emotions which surged through me as I stood
on the summit of Everest, looking over miles of
panorama below us, the dominant one I think was
humility. The physical in me seemed to say, ‘Thank
God, it’s all over!” However, instead of being jubilant,
there was a tinge of sadness. Was it because I had already
done the ‘ultimate’ in climbing and there would be
nothing higher to climb and all roads hereafter would
lead down?
By climbing the summit of Everest you are
overwhelmed by a deep sense of joy and thankfulness.
It is a joy which lasts a lifetime. The experience changes
you completely. The man who has been to the mountains
is never the same again.
As I look back at life after climbing Everest I cannot
help remarking about the other summit — the summit
of the mind — no less formidable and no easier to climb