English, asked by 3670, 6 months ago

write 4 situation where you can follow discipline


Answered by yokeshps2005


Disciplinary actions or reprimands are unfortunately a part of working in corporate America.

Like it or not, there will be times when it’s necessary to discipline an employee, whether for performance issues or behavioral issues.

We’re here to make the process as painless as possible. Continue reading to learn when it’s appropriate to write up an employee and what steps you can take to discipline an employee in a sensitive way.

What are the steps to discipline an employee?

In some cases, verbal and written warnings aren’t enough to create the change you desire from your employee(s). Your organization, specifically the Human Resources (HR) department and involved managers, should have a discipline process in place to address performance and behavioral issues and use these steps to discipline an employee.

If you haven’t created a disciplinary process yet, you can create a flowchart in Lucidchart that matches the level of offense with the appropriate disciplinary action. Get started with the template below.

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