Geography, asked by pooja17966, 1 year ago

write 45 plants name and their scientific name​


Answered by sivamaster69


Scientific Names of Common Plants

Apple -Pyrus malus

Bamboo- Bamboosa aridinarifolia

Banana- Musa paradisicum

Banyan -Ficus benghalensis

Barley -Hordeum vulgare

Black Gram -Palsoes Mungo

Black Pepper -Piper nigrum

Brinjal -Solanum melongena

Capsicum- Capsicum fruitscence

Carrot -Daucas carota

Cashew nut -Anacardium occidentale

Clove -Syzygium aromaticum

Cotton -Gossypium herbaceum

Cucumber -Cucumis sativas

Curry leaf -Murraya koenigii

Drumstick -Moringa oleifera

Garlic -Allium sativum

Ginger -Zingiber officinale

Guava -Psidium guava

Lemon -Citrus limonium

Mango -Mangifera indica

Mint- Mentha arvensis

Money Plant, -Devil’s Ivy Epipremnum aureum

Neem- Azadhirachta indica

Onion -Allium cepa

Orange -Citrus aurantium

Pea- Pisum sativam

Peepal -Ficus religiosa Linn.

Pineapple- Ananus sativus

Potato -Solanum tubersum

Radish- Raphanus sativus

Rice -Oryza sativa

Rose -Rosa

Sandalwood- Santalum album

Spinach- Spinacia oleracea

Tobacco -Nicotina tobaccum

Tomato -Lycopersican esculentum

Tulsi -Ocimum sanctum

Turmeric -Curcuma longa

Watermelon -Citrullus vulgaris

Wheat -Triticum Aestivum



Answered by Anonymous


Red-hot cat’s tail or Chenille is common name of Acalypha hispida. The plants gets its name from drooping red spikes of red or purple color.

2. Century plant is common name of Agave americana. The plant is named so because it is believed to bloom after one hundred years; however, actually it takes about ten years to bloom.

3. Agave attenuata takes its common name, Foxtail plant, because of its tall and curved flowering stalks.

4. Allium christophii is popularly known as Stars of Persia because it produces starry lilac flowers.

5. Elephant’s ear is common name of Alocasia macrorhiza. The plan produces huge yellow-green leaves.

6. Love-lies-bleeding is popular name of Amaranthus caudatus; the name is given because of red spikes that it produces in summer.

7. Lace plant is common name of Ammi majus. The name is given because of delicate, feathery foliage of the plant.

8. Anigozanthos flavidus is popularly known as Kangaroo paw.

9. Aphelandra squarrosa is a nice foliage plant that produces striking ornamental leaves. The dark-green leaves of the plan have broad silver-white veins that give the plant is common name, Zebra plant.

10. Dutchman’s pipe is popular name of Aristolochia durior. It is a woody climber that produces brownish-purple flowers shapes like curved pipes.

11. Spiral Grass is common name of Moraea tortilis. The plant is named after its twisting and curly leaves.

12. Bishop’s cap is common name of Astrophytum myriostigma.

13. Orchid tree is common name of Bahuinia variegata.

14. Brachychiton acerifolium is a beautiful tree with bright-red, bell-shaped flowers that give the tree its common name, Flame tree.

15. Angel’s trumpet or Moonflower (Buy online) is a small tree that produces very fragrant flowers that hang on this tree and look like trumpets. Scientific name of the plant is Brugmansia.

16. Like its popular name, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Brunfelsia pauciflora is an interesting plant. The name is given because its produces violet-mauve flowers that fade into pale-mauve and then white on successive days.

17. Ladies purses is popular name of Calceolaria crenatiflora because it produces fleshy flower of the shape of a small purse.

18. The flowers of Bottlebrush actually resemble a bottle brush. Horticultural name is Callistemon.

19. Fishtail palm is common name of Caryota mitis.

20. Snow-in-Summer is common name of Cerastium tomentosum; it is a low growing plant usually grown as ground cover. The plan produces tiny white flowers in summer.

21. Cordyline terminalis is known as Good luck plant or sometimes as Tree of kings.

22. Falling stars is common name of Corocosmia paniculata.

23. Dicentra spectabilis produces heart-shaped flowers that hang on long arching stems. Popular name of this plant is Bleeding hearts (Buy seeds online).

24. Breath of heaven is popular name of Diosma ericoides because its flowers emit very delightful fragrance.

25. Dragon lily is common name of Dracunculus vulgaris; the plant produces really large and unusual flowers.

26. Pineapple flower is common name of Eucomis autumnalis; the name given to the plant because of its long spike of flowers resembling a pineapple.

27. Indian rubber or Rubber plant is common name of a popular foliage plan – Ficus elastica.

28. Morning glory is a common name given to plants in the family of Convolvulacease. These include many genera like Ipomoea, Rivea and Lepistemon.

29. Ghost plant is common name of Kalanchoewaldhrimii.

30. Kochia scoparia is popularly known as Summer cypress (Buy seeds online).

31. Four o’ Clock is common name of Mirabilis jalapa because it opens its flower in afternoon.

32. Moss rose is popular name of Portulaca grandiflora (Buy seeds online).

33. Traveller’s tree is the name given to Ravenala because its stores rainwater in its leaf base which travellers in old times often found very useful.

34. The common name Royal palm is given to Roystonea regia.

35. Mother-in-law’s tongue is popular name of Sansevieria trifasciata (Buy online).

36. Mother-of-thousands is common name of Saxifraga stolonifera.

37. Spanish broom is common name of Spartium junceum.

38. Rose apple is popular name of Syzygium malaccense.

39. Chocolate plant is the popular name given to Pseuderanthemum alatum.

40. Screw pine is popular name of Pandanus utilis; the name is given to the plant because of unusual shape and formation of its large leaves.

41. Golden swans is common name of Crocosmia masonorum.

42. Indian shots is popular name of Canna indica.

43. Sacred Fig or Bo tree is common name of Ficus religiosa.

44. Peltophorum africanum is also known as Weeping wattle.

45. Lamb’s tail is the name given to Sedum morganianum because of its trailing stems.

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