Biology, asked by sisirjanamuni, 11 months ago

write 5 characteristics of phylum cnidaria, nematoda, hemichordata, porifera, echinodermata, annelida, arthopoda, mollusca, platyhelmenthies, annelida

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Answered by supreethreddy8008


1. Mollusca

   The three groups of mollusks are Bivalves, Gastropods, and Cephalopods. Mollusks are soft bodied and usually covered with a hard shell. They are found on land and in water. Their three body parts are the head, foot, and visceral mass. Mollusks are covered with a mantle and a thin membrane. The mantle is a shell for the mollusks. The membrane secretes the shell for many mollusks but not all. Mollusks also have a radula which is a rough tongue like organ that is used to scrape the algae off of rocks and other things. Mollusks have an open circulatory system. Mollusks reproduce sexually.  Most mollusks move around with their muscular foot.      

2. Arthropoda

   The arthropod group is separated into 4 groups, Insecta, Crustaceans, Myriapods, and Arachnids. They have an exoskeleton and jointed appendages. They do have to molt to grow because of their exoskeleton. After they molt they're open and weak to predators. For digestion, arthropods have a mouth and anus. Also, they reproduce sexually. Arthropods have bilateral symmetry.  

3. Porifera

  The simplest phylum, there's not much to a Porifera animal. Porifera means "pore-bearer". The one main animal in the Porifera phylum is a sponge. Sponges are so simple that they used to be thought of as a plant because they don't move place to place like most animals. They don't have heads, arms, or legs, and they don't have any internal organs. Sponges mainly live in salt water, but there are a few kinds that live in fresh water. Sponges are asymmetrical, which means that they don't have symmetry. The sponge is hollow on the inside and also has a large opening at the top, called an osculum. All adult sponges are sessile. Sponges eat other living creatures to get the nourishment that they need to live. To obtain their food, they filter the food from the water as it gets sucked in through its pores (holes) called Ostia on the sides of their bodies. Algae, bacteria, and protozoa are filtered from the water as the water flows through the sponge to be used as food. Organisms that get food this way are called filter-feeders.    

4. Echinodermata

   Echinodermata means "spiny skinned", so obviously the animals in this phylum have spiny skin and are quite rough. They have radial symmetry, which means that you can basically split them . When a part gets broken off of an Echinoderm's body, it just regrows it which is called regeneration. Also, all Echinoderms reproduce sexually. Common Echinoderms are starfish, brittle stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.  All Echinoderms live on the ocean floor, and they use little suction cups called tube feet, to move around. Echinoderms live on coral, rocks, the bottom of the ocean, and on the beach. Echinoderms breathe through their skin and their tube feet.

    Echinoderms normally eat mollusks, and they have a very strange way of eating them. First, they turn their stomachs inside out and shove it out of their mouths. Next, they open up the mollusk's shell to get to the soft body. They then release digestive juice onto the mollusk and eat it like jelly. Lastly, they turn their stomachs back the right way and put it back inside of them. So, Echinoderms are strange, somewhat complex animals, but they are very cool too.

5. Echinodermata

   Echinodermata means "spiny skinned", so obviously the animals in this phylum have spiny skin and are quite rough. They have radial symmetry, which means that you can basically split them . When a part gets broken off of an Echinoderm's body, it just regrows it which is called regeneration. Also, all Echinoderms reproduce sexually. Common Echinoderms are starfish, brittle stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers.  All Echinoderms live on the ocean floor, and they use little suction cups called tube feet, to move around. Echinoderms live on coral, rocks, the bottom of the ocean, and on the beach. Echinoderms breathe through their skin and their tube feet.

    Echinoderms normally eat mollusks, and they have a very strange way of eating them. First, they turn their stomachs inside out and shove it out of their mouths. Next, they open up the mollusk's shell to get to the soft body. They then release digestive juice onto the mollusk and eat it like jelly. Lastly, they turn their stomachs back the right way and put it back inside of them. So, Echinoderms are strange, somewhat complex animals, but they are very cool too.

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