Write 5 sentence on > Air, water, sun, moon.
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- Air is mostly gas. Air is all around us, but we can't see it. ...
- Air isn't just gas. ...
- Air is important for living things. ...
- Carbon dioxide in the air can be both good and bad. ...
- Air also holds water.
- .Water is one of the most important substance required to live on Earth.
- Our Mother Earth will not exist without water.
- Water is used in day to day life for many purposes other than drinking.
- Without water, we human beings will die.
- Water is required for all living things in the world.1) Sun is a yellow dwarf star positioned in the center of our solar system. 2) Sun is the source of light and energy to our planet earth. ... 5) Sun orbits the solar system at the speed of 820,000 km an hour. 6) Sun takes almost 235 million years to rotate one complete orbit around the solar system.he Moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system. 3) It does not shine by itself; rather it is illuminated by sunlight. 4) Gravity on the Moon is 1/6th of that on Earth. 5) It completes the rotation of the earth in 27.3 days and also makes a full circle around its own axis in 27 days
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