write 5 situations where change in one quantity leads to change another qunatity
Step-by-step explanation:
A small hole is made at the button of a symmetrical jar as shown in figure. liquid is filled into the jar upto a certain height. The rate of descension of liquid is independent of the level of liquid in the jar. Then the surface of jar is a surface of revolution of the curve.
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Here we are discussing about direct and inverse relations ship where change in one quantity will change the other quantity too.
Direct Relation:
Where increase in one quantity will increase the other or its decrease will decrease the other quantity
Inverse Relation:
Where increase in one quantity will decrease the other or its decrease will increase the other quantity
Five Situations:
Here are the five situations where change in one quantity will leads to change the other
No 1 : Distance your car travels and gas in its tank
As the car travel more distance more gas will be used so on quantity is leading to change the other
No 2: Savings and expenditures
If you save more then your expenditures will be less
No 3 : You are paid $5 per hour if you work more you will earn more if you work less you will earn less
No 4:Distance and speed
If you travel at higher speed you will travel more distance other wise less
No 5: Amount of food and people
If There are 50 people and have enough food for 10 days and if the no of people lessen down to 25 then food will be enough for 20 days so one quantity changes and other changes automatically