Hindi, asked by aryansahare2007, 1 month ago

write 5 strengths and weakness of your in hindi.
Answer correctly or else I will report. ​


Answered by piyushkhashan


Interviews are all about honesty and confidence but they also need preparation. One question which regularly crops up in the interview script is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” In this blog post, we have come up with some of the best answers to this frequently asked question on strengths and weaknesses.


“I am a team player. It is a skill I picked up in school as a member and captain of the football team. I enjoy working in teams and have been often told by both supervisors and peers that I am the motivator of the group during stressful situations. In college, during a group presentation, one of the team members did not submit his bit of work. Given the short deadline, everybody was worried. Analyzing the situation, I called for a short meeting. I asked everyone to take equal parts of the unfinished business and we managed to hand in a great presentation.”

I hope it's helpful for all

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