write 7 sentence in sanskrit
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Sanskrit evolved from the word Samskritam (संस्कृतम्) is the oldest language known to a man, which also classifies the literary Indian language. It is the richest literature known to the mankind and also called ‘The Mother Language’ as all other languages have been arisen or evolved from it.
Sanskrit is considered as a ‘distinctive language’ because it is mainly used for religious and scientific verbalization and is also believed to be the language of the gods. Many universally accepted scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and Vedas (scriptures on humanity) has been authored in Sanskrit.
Learning Sanskrit is proved to be very beneficial as its daily use provides a good brain exercise and helps in an increase count in the grey cells which improves brain power and also brings clarity in pronunciation.
Rules for framing Sanskrit structure sentence:-
Unlike English language pattern in which subject comes first, verb appears in the middle, and the object comes last (SVO in short), Sanskrit is an SOV grammatical structure.
For example:
Three boys are playing football
Subject Verb Object
त्रयः बालकाः पादकन्दुकं क्रीडन्ति
Subject Object Verb
The words in Sanskrit carries an extra information with them, this makes Sanskrit more flexible in placing the words than English. First word in any sentence has more emphasis and it should be focused more, but changing the word order in Sanskrit still the basic idea of the sentence remains the same.
In any sentence we frame the number and the person of the verb must match the number and person of the subject irrespective of the gender.
If the noun used is अस्मद् शब्द (asmad shabda) the verb form is always in second person.
If the noun used is युस्मद् शब्द (yusmad shabda) the verb form is always in first person.
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