Math, asked by mjkin2710, 1 year ago

Write 80387 alp to find the roots of the quadratic equation. All the possible cases must be considered in calculating the roots


Answered by lodhiyal16

Like printf function in c's asm code

%macro myprintf 1

mov rdi,formatpf

sub rsp,8

movsd xmm0,[%1]

mov rax,1

call printf

add rsp,8



;--- Printf function

%macro myscanf 1

mov rdi,formatsf

mov rax,0

mov rsi,%1

call scanf



;----- Normal System call macro ----

%macro scall 4

mov rax,%1

mov rdi,%2

mov rsi,%3

mov rdx,%4



;------ Data Section ------

Section .data

ff1: db "%lf +i %lf",10,0 ;format for printf/scanf argument

ff2: db "%lf -i %lf",10,0

formatpi: db "%d",10,0

formatpf: db "%lf",10,0

formatsf: db "%lf",0

four: dq 4 ; 4 for using in formula

two: dq 2

ipart1: db " +i ", 10

ipart2: db " -i " , 10

rmsg: db 0x0A,"Roots are real. Roots: ",0x0A

rmsg_len: equ $-rmsg

imsg: db "Roots are complex. Roots ",0x0A

imsg_len: equ $-imsg

title: db "====== QUadratic Equations ========",0x0A

db "Enter a ,b,c : ",0x0A

title_len: equ $-title

;------ BSS Section -----

section .bss

a: resq 1

b: resq 1

c: resq 1

b2: resq 1 ; b square

fac: resq 1 ; 4ac

delta: resq 1 ; delta value

rdelta: resq 1 ; root of delta

r1: resq 1 ;root 1

r2: resq 1 ;root 2

ta: resq 1 ; 2a

realn: resq 1

img1: resq 1

img2 : resq 1

Section .text

extern printf

extern scanf

global main:


scall 1,1, title,title_len

;;-------- Scanning numbers

myscanf a

myscanf b

myscanf c

;;======== Printing values for checking

;myprintf a

;myprintf b

;myprintf c

;==== Calculating b square

fld qword[b]

fmul qword[b]

fstp qword[b2]

;------- Calculating 4ac

fild qword[four]

fmul qword[a]

fmul qword[c]

fstp qword[fac]

; calculating delta

fld qword[b2]

fsub qword[fac]

fstp qword[delta]

;calcualating 2a

fild qword[two]

fmul qword[a]

fstp qword[ta]

btr qword[delta],63

;bit test set carry if flag is set else reset it


scall 1,1,rmsg, rmsg_len

;;--------------- REAL ROOTS --------

fld qword[delta]


fstp qword[rdelta]

;----- (-b+squareroot(delta))/2a


fsub qword[b]

fadd qword[rdelta]

fdiv qword[ta]

fstp qword[r1]

myprintf r1

;----- (-b-squareroot(delta))/2a


fsub qword[b]

fsub qword[rdelta]

fdiv qword[ta]

fstp qword[r2]

myprintf r2

jmp EXIT


scall 1,1, imsg,imsg_len

fld qword[delta]


fstp qword[rdelta]


fsub qword[b]

fdiv qword[ta]

fstp qword[realn]

fld qword[rdelta]

fdiv qword[ta]

fstp qword[img1]

;---- printing imag roots

mov rdi,ff1

sub rsp,8

movsd xmm0,[realn]

movsd xmm1,[img1]

mov rax,2

call printf

add rsp,8

mov rdi,ff2

sub rsp,8

movsd xmm0, [realn]

movsd xmm1, [img1]

mov rax,2

call printf

add rsp,8

jmp EXIT


mov rax,60

mov rdi

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