CBSE BOARD X, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

write a 100 word essay on discipline


Answered by khushi436695


Discipline is a good character which has a very positive and good impact in our lives. It has a great role in motivating an individual to be successful and to progress in his or her life. Discipline builds the character of an individual. A person without discipline the person's life becomes dull.


Hope it helps you mark me as a brainliest and please follow me if you want other help

Answered by sruchi17maurya


Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies discipline. This reality is seen in every human endeavor. In the field of sports we sce this repeated again and again. Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time practicing. In the process they end up making numerous sacrifices which ordinary men and women are not willing to make. The same is true of all great achievers no matter what the field, behind the scene hard work and consistent disciplined behavior that leads one to success often goes iunnoticed. When asked, invariably they have said that they owe most of their success to discipline.

Discipline is the art, where having determined where we want to go or what we want to create or discover, we stick to our goals whatever be the disadvantages until we achieve the goal. We are provided with numerous scope for discipline in our daily lives in doing our homework regularly, to lo studies systematically, to do regular exercises, to awake at certain times etc. A careful look at the periods of failure in our lives will almost certainly point at a lack of discipline somewhere.

If one is obsessed with wanting to succeed in a certain area, the chances of attaining that want is so much more. No matter how high one wants to go in any field, if one has the determination and willing to exercise the required self-discipline the goal cannot escape his reaching it. There are countless examples to show how people have achieved success in this way. One example is the saga of Colonel Saunders who at the age of sixty-five had a dream to start a chain of fried chicken restaurants all over the world. He did reach his glorious goal but to take the first step meant getting a restaurant owner to go into partnership with him as he lacked the money and the means. All he possessed was the recipe and the desire. Colonel Saunders knocked on one thousand and eight doors before he found a restaurant owner willing to share his dream.

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