Write a application to principal sir for not complete project
Answered by
1403/04 Krisha (B)
Neelkanth Daffodils,
Pokhran rd2, Thane (E),
31st March '2021
Principal of Billabong High,
Paddovil road,
Thane (W),
Dear principal sir,
I am writing to you about my incomplete project. The submission of our science project on stomach is due tomorrow, but due to bad health I will not be able to turn it in by tomorrow. My compound had malaria spreading in it and the shops etc. were also closed. Please sir, if possible give me a little extra time, I will definitely submit it as soon as possible. Hope oyu understand.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Hemani S.
8-Y student
Billabong high School
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