English, asked by vijaypal945671, 1 year ago

Write a article on an ideal lifestyle​


Answered by moinsayyad1432


Life Style

Health is the prerequisite for any venture. Health is wealth as all the wealth of any sort that one wants to possess can be had only if one is healthy! Staying healthy is not a Herculean task at all. One can enjoy optimum health by following certain basic principles. Safe eating is one of the most basic principles to stay healthy. Safe eating includes eating balanced diet.

Balanced and nutritious diet is the most essential factor for ensuring health and fitness. Virginia Woolf has rightly said: ‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.’ It is a well-established truth that balanced diet is the first prerequisite for a healthy and happy life; and health is the first prerequisite for a successful life. Only a balanced diet can provide all the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc. to keep the metabolism of the body working optimally.

Clinically it is proven that any deficiency of the vital vitamins and minerals may lead to development of serious diseases. And these essential vitamins and minerals can only be obtained from balanced and nutritious diet.

However, one has to control one’s mind to develop palate for safe-eating. People these days have become exceedingly addicted to unsafe eating. They must resist the temptation for junk food. Eating should be for health’s sake; not for taste’s sake. This principle must be followed to stay healthy.

Mark as brilliant answer plz plz

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