English, asked by manishapandhi, 1 year ago

Write a article on corona can't kill our spirits


Answered by espees

Corona Virus, a global pandemic that has been affecting our world. Killing thousands and putting the rest in lockdown. Imprisoned in our own homes. For a moment we would give up, but we didnt. A pandemic cannot pull us down. We have reached all this way not to give up because of a virus. Humanity will survive, whatever comes its way. Nothing can kill our spirits, not even a virus. We have developed so much and there is nothing that can stop us. The Corona Virus is just another obstacle that has come our way, we will be able to overcome it. We went through the plague, nipah, ebola, etc and corona will also be in that list. The corona virus may take lives, but never spirits. We are already doing our part in overcoming it. Doctors, nurses, police, etc. We can do it. Hope is not lost. Nothing can stop us now. A cure will be found and a vaccine we will have. A spirit of a million years is not something we will kill so easily. One day, our lives will go back to normal.


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