write a article on -think globally,act locally
Think global, act local”: what does that mean? global and local seem to be opposite words in their definition. Then how to do?
To think globally means that we must be really conscious that all human beings live on the same planet, in a moving environment managed by biodiversity within the frame of nature’s laws. And that each of our acts has an impact for all. Earth is one. Life is one. If we cut ourselves from this idea, we are lost. So, that means that we must have a holistic view of the world — with its differences insides cultures and societies, in each territory, in each community.
To act local is obvious. In the economical frame, it means that particularly food products should be proposed on the base of local resources and sold locally for the most fresh of them. Of course, transformed products (canned in a glass jar for example) can have a longer life and eventually can travel anywhere, but provided that the means of transport has no impact on the environment.
To act locally by thinking globally: to provide answers to a territory by adapting them to the environment and by anticipating their consequences on the planet. Here, the concept of sustainable development fits into this approach.
bro thhanks
you made my day great
thank you so much