English, asked by Ujjwalshrma6778, 6 months ago

Write a ASL for my reading habits


Answered by soniya102saxena


My reading habits have changed over the years. As a child I had more time to read than I have been able to as an adult. I had different tastes in books when I was younger as well. Even though my habits and reading preferences have changed over the years, I still enjoy it as much as I did as a youngster.

My reading habits as a child were such that I'd read whenever I had free time. I'd read when I came home from school, and before I went to bed. I always had my nose in a book. I had a pretty large collection of books as well. For Birthday's and Christmas, I would make a list of new books I wanted. I'd rather receive books as gifts than toys!

When I was younger, I enjoyed reading books by Judy Blume. She was my favorite author growing up. I read The Babysitter's Club series as well as books that had the option of choosing your own ending. I loved reading fictional books and I believe it was because I had such a creative imagination of my own. I could picture in my mind everything that I was reading.

As an adult, my reading preference has changed in the sense that I read more of a variety. I enjoy fiction, as well as biographies, non-fiction and spiritual books. My reading habits have changed as well. I don't have the amount of time that I once had to read. I usually try to read 2 books per month, and I usually read during the weekend.

Answered by rraj57472pe5g9i


totally we can say that the habit of reading so good for our knowledge and our mind.

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