English, asked by suparnad1989, 8 months ago

write a auto bio graphy about the wise​


Answered by dkssoma


You decided to share your life story with other people? Autobiography writing may be the most difficult challenge you’ve faced. It will take more time than you assume. Some days will be easy; you’ll be very inspired to write and the memories will write themselves down. Then, you’ll face a blockade and you won’t be able to write a single word for days. You will live through your hardest experiences all over again. However, you should stay persistent and always believe that your story is worth telling.

The following insightful tips will help you write a successful autobiography that will capture the hearth of your readers.

Identify your purpose.


The first thing you need to clarify is why you are undertaking this challenge and who you are writing the autobiography for. Will it be a legacy for your family, or you intend to publish it for a greater audience? For some authors, the purpose of writing an autobiography is to go over some emotions that have been setting the tone of their entire lives. When you write something down, it’s easier for you to look at it from a different angle, so you’ll deal with the burden eventually.

Another purpose for writing a biography is giving hope and inspiration to other people. You’ve surpassed extreme obstacles? When you realize that many other people are going through a similar experience, your story may help them get on track. Every reason for writing is valid. However, you must identify your purpose, since it will guide you towards the completion of this project.

Be honest with yourself and everyone else!


You cannot tell lies just to add some flare to the story. It’s not a story after all; it’s your life and you have to tell the truth. Otherwise, the autobiography will defy its purpose, whatever it may be. Insightful readers can always tell when the author is hiding something from them. They can also recognize the moments of exaggeration.

Of course, you still have the right to change some aspects, such as the names of the people you are mentioning. However, you should tell the readers that you have changed the names to preserve their privacy. When it comes to your feelings, motivations, and the actual events, there is no space for alternations.

Use the right tools!


When it’s hard for you to stay committed to the writing schedule or you lack motivation to proceed, then some online tools and resources can bring you back to working mode. For example, this Mind Mapping software will help you organize your ideas and describe the events in a logical flow.

To make the chronological organization of your autobiography simple, you should try using Dipity – a tool that helps you keep track of the most prominent days of your life.

When you get to the editing stage, you’ll have to rely on an expert. Don’t even think about editing your own autobiography; you are too attached to notice even the most obvious flaws and mistakes. PapersGear offers affordable editing services that will add quality and authority to your writing. You can also count on the writers at this website when you lack ideas or information from any niche. They can help you create truly believable work.

If you find speaking easier than writing, then you’ll love Transcribe – an online transcription and dictation tool that will turn your words into text.

If you want to inspire other people, don’t make them depressed!


When you intend for other people to read your content, you have to think about the impression you are going to make. If your purpose is to help your readers go through their struggles successfully, then you have an obligation to motivate them. Setting the tone of the story doesn’t mean you’ll be cheating. Share the hard times and the good vibes; just make sure that the overall lesson pushes the readers to go forward with their lives.

Ambivalence is good!


Every experience in your life had a lesson to teach you. Some events were bitter, while others were mostly happy. When you are writing an autobiography, you have to consider both sides of things. Be insightful and observe your memories: how did those events affect your life? No matter how difficult your situation was, you could always learn something from it. Don’t try to be bubbly and happy all the time, but avoid the other extreme as well: do not evoke feelings of despair and hopelessness.

Your life wasn’t black or white; it was everything in between. That’s the reality you want to present.

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