English, asked by ruh89, 1 year ago

write a blog with 100 -150 words on organic farming


Answered by yasir07


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Answered by imperialxak47




0rganic Farming➫ A method that involves growing & nurturing crops without the use of synthetic based fertilizers and pesticides.

Ex:- Crop Rotation

♦ It is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems & people.

♦ Biological research into soil & soil organisms has proven beneficial to organic farming.

➧ Types of 0rhanic Farming are:-


[1] Pure 0rganic Farming:-

❱ It involves the use of organic manures & biopesticides with complete avoidance of inorganic chemicals & pesticides.

[2] Integrated 0rganic Farming:-

❱ It involves integrated nutrients management & integrated pest management.

➧ Advantage 0f 0rganic Farming are:-


❱ It reduced exposure to Pesticides and Chemicals.

❱ It Builds Healthy Soil.

❱ It combatting Erosion.

❱ It fight with the Effects of Global Warming.

❱ It Supports Water Conservation & Water Health.

❱ It helps in maintaining environment health by reducing the level of pollution.

❱ It reduces human & animal health hazards by reducing the level of residues in the product.

❱ It helps in keeping agricultural

production at a higher level & makes it sustainable.

➧ Principles 0f 0rganic Agricultural are:-


❱ Principles 0f Ecology

❱ Principles 0f Fairness

❱ Principles 0f Health

❱ Principles 0f Care

➧ The principal methods of 0rganic Farming include:-


❱ Crop rotation

❱ Biological pest control

❱ Mechanical Cultivation

❱ Green manures & Compost



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