Write a book review of Mahabharata written by Roopa Pai under 300 words
Got this book from the library for me but i realized that he is still not eligible to read this. Just when I was of returning it and get another book, my brother started reading it. When he was near completion, he told me "leave whatever you reading now, and start reading this." I never thought that I will be able to read Gita because A) I am not into mythologies, and B) I always felt Gita is a very heavy book, and you need a lot of time, patience and intelligence to understand it. I truly admire Roopa Pai for writing this wonderful book, which not only helps children but it benefits adults as well. I picked up the book and started reading it, and after that there was no looking back. The book gave me the answer to all my questions, which knowingly or unknowingly I was searching for a long long time. Apart from the Shlokas of Gita, the examples given by Roopa from our day to day lives are so easy to relate and understand. For someone like me, who never thought of reading mythology, this came as a blessing from God almighty through Roopa. There are so many things in our everyday lives that we ignore or simply do not pay attention to, but they are very important for our own betterment, and are explained beautifully in this book, e.g. a thing as simple as praying and thanking god or the supreme power before every meal. In our so called hushed and ultra urban lives, we tend to forget things and start taking the privileges for granted. Nothing can be better than this book, to bring us all back to the ground and reality. Above all, what I liked the most about Gita and this book is that it talks about how to respect every religion because ultimately there is only one Supreme Power, no matter how and what we call it. if everyone understands this one simple thing, then there won't be any communal disturbance and violence, and people will stay in peace and harmony for ever. Sadly, everything has been distorted by human beings for their own selfish desires and greed, but there still is hope. For me, this book is life changing and I would strongly recommend it to everyone. Read it and understand the true meaning of life and the purpose of your own being in this earth.
Mahabharat written by Roopa Pai
- The book is excellently translated in different languages. in this section there is proper explanation of the sibling rivalry. In addition to this there has been properly division and the context is made properly with reference to the original book.
- There has been hardly any change between the original form of the book and the translated form.
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According to.Mahabharat who is the father of chitrasen bharssen ...