English, asked by Vipinzvipzz612, 3 months ago

Write a brief character sketch of anne frank 200 words


Answered by annoushkamj

Answer:Anne Frank introduces herself as a lonely adolescent who has no one around her to open her heart. She is given a diary on her thirteenth birthday. She fails to come to terms with the adults as they can’t understand appreciate and share her feelings. She has many friends but they always talk about ‘trivial’ things. She can’t open her heart even to her mother. She lacks sympathy and depth of feelings. She can’t look towards Margot her elder sister for emotional support either. Hence she finds ‘Kitty’ or her diary—her only confidant. She can express her innermost thoughts and feelings only by writing a diary.In the beginning she is not much worried by the horrible and tragic happenings that were taking place in the outer world. She is quite optimistic and hopes that things will certainly improve after the war. But the substance and significance of her writings change considerably while she is in hiding. As she grows in months and years she shows a surprising maturity in her understanding and grasp of political social and cultural aspects of the times. The dire and unusual circumstances of the Holocaust makes her more introspective and thoughtful.Anne finds herself her family and the Jews in general alienated from the general stream of life in Europe. She shows a rare understanding of the working of the Nazis and the Gestapo. She prays for herself and the Jewish race and hopes for their redemption.Anne has to struggle with her two-selves or two Annes. There is a constant struggle between her innermost thoughts and the adult world she has to live in. She doesn’t feel comfortable with her mother sister Mrs. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel. She has passed puberty and enters the adolescent age. She adores her father but the age difference prevents her from sharing some intensely personal issues with him. She develops a passionate relationship with Peter Van Daan as she can discuss the issues of sex and sexuality with her. She craves emotional support as well as physical love. Anne has divided against her own self. She has an identity problem. She considers herself a German but has lost her citizenship. She has only God and her faith to look for redemption. She hopes to get freedom peace and fresh air after the war

Answered by urvisinghmanral


Anne is a young teenage girl born in the family of Frank's. Anne on herror b'day recives many gifts one amongst them is the dairy. She names it as kitty.anne was a very talkative girl which she had inherited from her mom.a very beautiful girl,not trying to impress any one but would get easily impressed by others .after coming into the hiding her character changed, she turned to become a very beautiful obsrever and a very good learner too. Then she starts to like peterand becomes more sensible in her emotions. All in all anne is a simple girl with various shades.



Ann is a young teenage girl who was spot in ____________________________________ conditions of the world war. She is a gifter writter ____________________________________________________ . She has a respect to her father and admirs him immensly . When she was given a diary on her 13th birthday , young Anne Frank writes down details for her life. She loves to write the diary since she has difficulty confinding her inner most thoughts . Throungh the diary we are acquinted with two sides of her personality . One side deals with her day to day problems as a teenager and other is a deep pherlosiphical side which ponders about her existence in a war - torn land . In the first year , Anne speaks about problems related her struggles with the adults in the Screat Annex . She is curious by nature and tries to make sence out her existance . In her finall entry Anne grows into a matured person who comes to terms with her situation . She ponders about her role in a changing world and her identity as a jewish person . Her youthfull optimism also with her matured understanding gravity of her situation makes her entry.

Like every teen girl she even had many boyfriends!

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