English, asked by SujayKumar3347, 1 year ago

Write a brief History about V.B Aakye


Answered by sherinmerlin18

Literary devices used in 'Colour of God'

The Colour of God by V.B. Aakye is an ironic poem. It is a short poem carefully written with the usage of many literary devices.

The poem is full of visual imagery. It paints a vivid picture of God through the use of colour.

There is verbal irony in the poem when the poet through the use of colour tries to emphasise that God actually is colourless yet men of all colours claim their ownership on God .

There is personification when the ‘rose’ laughs, as if it is a human.

There are a number of rhetorical questions such as ,’ Why should He be black or white

Or green or yellow or even red?’ ‘Of course He is all of these and more

can’t you see?’

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