Write a brief note on michael love for computer games
Michael had inherited love for computers from his father. He and his father were crazy about computer games. Michael’s father had a Pentium 150 Mhz processor, with 256 of RAM, a 1.2 Gb hard disk drive and 16 speed CD ROM, complete with speakers, printer, modem and scanner. They had all the latest computer games such as Tornado, MeBabash, Black Belt, Kyrene's Kastle –they had played them all. His father was always the first one to buy any new product related to computer games that was launched in the market. They often went to Computer Fairs to buy the recently launched products. They had already in their stock a virtual reality visor and glove, and a handful of the latest interactive psycho-drive games. Michael spent most of his free time playing video games. It was during such playing he came across the consciousness of Sebastian Shultz trapped in a video game.