English, asked by vijayshree1708, 4 months ago

Write a brief summary of Urn burial by Thomas Answer​


Answered by kirtiagrawal61


Sir Thomas Browne lived in Norwich and wrote on a myriad of subjects Medicine,geography ,Philosophy and Spirituality ,all during the English renaissance during the 17th century .His prose style influence both Jorge Luis Borges and W G Sebald .The book opens with a passage from Sebald’s rings of Saturn about Browne .

Urn Burial is a 86 page text from Thomas Brown ,that follows his reaction and musings on the meaning of some intact roman Burial urns that were found in Norwich ,so we go on a journey through Browne’s words from roman times and the reason for ashes in an urn ,things like a coin to pay your way to Elysian fields ,to Browne’s own time and how people celebrate remember and fear death .The prose drift here and their building up to last chapter a wonderful lament on life and death ,how every man has this struggle with his own mortality ,this last chapter is considered the greatest bit of renaissance writing and the beginning of essay and thesis writing in english .

Now to be truthful I found this hugely touching and very deep piece I will definitely be reading more of Browne’s work and rereading this as I think I found a life long Passion in this man and his thoughts ,the link to Sebald and Borges is easy to see ,Brown darts and dash from here to there like the other two did in the later fiction ,it is like a child trying to take apart a clock picking at the workings ,this is how Browne tackles the discovery of these urns ,posing questions on them and trying to give us the reader the answer .This is my first work by Brown for further reading and articles I strongly recommend going over to Kevin’s blog the aquarium of Vulcan where he has written numerous pieces on Sir Thomas Browne ,also his connections to Norwich and the surrounding area .so if you like Borges and Sebald I would try so Browne and see if you agree with me on how this ,mans words influenced them .

Answered by rj0509925

Write a brief summary of Urn burial by Thomas:

  • Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial is a treatise by Sir Thomas Browne, "a physician by profession, and a divine or preacher by inclination."
  • It was inspired by the discovery of about fifty urns containing the remains of human bones in a field in Norfolk.
  • Dedicated to two friends, members of the East Anglia gentry, Urn Burial is a strange and ingenious scientific excursion into the burial practices of the past, a strange meditation on death and dying that becomes an essay on the nature of identity and humanity's futile search for immortality.
  • The tone is philosophical and mystical. According to the author, man's hope for immortality through memories grows wilder as the world ages and the end approaches.
  • The book is an intimate self-revelation reminiscent of the works of the French philosopher and "father of the essay" Montaigne.

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