Write a C program to check if a number has three consecutive 5s. If yes, print YES, else print NO.
Number: 1353554
Result: NO
Number: 345559
Result: YES
Learning Out
By the end of the lesson, yo will be able to
Recall what was learnt is Leed 4. such as logal thinking. Scratch
programs. aming and organising files
Tejas and Jyoti were showing the cups that they
had won in the summer vacation workshop,
to Mo
Moz: Congratulations What was the
workshop about and how did you
win these cups?
TETAs: We went for a five day workshop
Each day we had a different theme. At the end of the day there
was a competition, where we had activities like solving problems.
innovating and teaching something new to the participants
Moz: Tell me more about these activities
JYOTE: First, a drama was enacted. The actors were stuck at a point
with a problem. We had to solve this problem. The actors stood like
statues till the correct solution was found
Moz: That is interesting. What was the problem? give me a important terms
mca k ho mitr
ims ghaziabad