Write a c program to create a structure named date having day, month and year as its elements. store the current date. now add 15 days to the current date and display the "same month" if the addition of days is within the month, otherwise display "next month"..
input format:
line contains date in dd mm yyyy format
12 03 2020
same month
input format:
line contains date in dd mm yyyy format
12 03 2020
same month
program to create a structure named date
#include <time.h>
// Function for applying adding days
void DatePlusDays( struct tm* date, int days )
const time_t ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 ;
time_t date_seconds = mktime( date ) + (days * ONE_DAY) ;
*date = *localtime( &date_seconds ) ; ;
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int day=26, month=2 , year=2010;
printf("Enter Date Month Year: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &day, &month, &year);
struct tm date = { 0, 0, 12 } ; // nominal time midday (arbitrary).
// Set up the date structure
date.tm_year = year - 1900 ;
date.tm_mon = month - 1 ; // note: zero indexed
date.tm_mday = day ; // note: not zero indexed
DatePlusDays( &date, 15 ) ;
if(date.tm_mon+1 == month){
printf("same month\n");
printf("next month\n");