Write a C program to define a structure to Store customer name, meter no., current reading, previous reading, charges per unit and charges. I
Accept all data in main and calculate
unit consume = Current reading - previous reading
Charges = units consume x charges per unit.
display all data.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main()
int custid, conu;
float chg, surchg=0, gramt,netamt;
char connm[25];
printf("Input Customer ID :");
printf("Input the name of the customer :");
printf("Input the unit consumed by the customer : ");
if (conu <200 )
chg = 1.20;
else if (conu>=200 && conu<400)
chg = 1.50;
else if (conu>=400 && conu<600)
chg = 1.80;
chg = 2.00;
gramt = conu*chg;
if (gramt>300)
surchg = gramt*15/100.0;
netamt = gramt+surchg;
if (netamt < 100)
netamt =100;
printf("\nElectricity Bill\n");
printf("Customer IDNO :%d\n",custid);
printf("Customer Name :%s\n",connm);
printf("unit Consumed :%d\n",conu);
printf("Amount Charges @Rs. %4.2f per unit :%8.2f\n",chg,gramt);
printf("Surchage Amount :%8.2f\n",surchg);
printf("Net Amount Paid By the Customer :%8.2f\n",netamt);