Write A C Program To Find The Root Of The Equation Using Bisection Method
C#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>float fun (float x)
C#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>float fun (float x) return (x*x*x - 4*x - 9);
C#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>float fun (float x) return (x*x*x - 4*x - 9);void bisection (float *x, fl
oat a, float b,
int *itr)
int *itr)/* this function performs and prints the result of one iteration */
int *itr)/* this function performs and prints the result of one iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2;
int *itr)/* this function performs and prints the result of one iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2; ++(*itr);
int *itr)/* this function performs and prints the result of one iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2; ++(*itr); printf("Iteration no. %
3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);
3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main ()
3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr;
3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr; float x, a, b, allerr, x1;
3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr; float x, a, b, allerr, x1; printf("\nEnter t
he va
lues of a, b, allo
wed error and maximum itera
tions:\n"); scanf("%f %f %f %d", &
a, &b, &allerr, &maxmitr);
a, &b, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a,
b, &itr);
b, &itr); do
b, &itr); do
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0)
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x;
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x;
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x; bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr);
b, &itr); do if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x; bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr); if (fabs(x1-x) < allerr)
rr) printf("After %d it
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1);
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0;
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0;
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0; x=x1;
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0; x=x1;
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0; x=x1; while (itr < maxmitr);
ons, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0; x=x1; while (itr < maxmitr); printf("The solut
ion d
oes not converge or ite
rations are not sufficient");
rations are not sufficient"); return 1;
rations are not sufficient"); return 1;#include<stdio.h>
float fun (float x)
float fun (float x) return (x*x*x - 4*x - 9);
float fun (float x) return (x*x*x - 4*x - 9);void bisection (float *x, float a
, float b, int *itr)
, float b, int *itr)/* this function performs
and prints the result of one
iteration */
iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2;
iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2; ++(*itr);
iteration */ *x=(a+b)/2; ++(*itr); printf("Iteration no. %3d
X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);
X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main ()
X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr;
X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr; float x, a, b, allerr, x1;
X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);void main () int itr = 0, maxmitr; float x, a, b, allerr, x1; printf("\nEnter the va
lues of a, b, allowed error and
maximum iterations:\n");
maximum iterations:\n"); scanf("%f %f %f %d", &a, &b
, &allerr, &maxmitr);
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr);
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do {
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0)
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x;
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x;
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x; bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr);
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x; bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr); if (fabs(x1-x) < allerr{
, &allerr, &maxmitr); bisection (&x, a, b, &itr); do { if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0) b=x; else a=x; bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr); if (fabs(x1-x) < allerr{ printf("After %d iterations,
root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1);
root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1); return 0}
} x=x1 }
} while (itr < maxmitr);
} while (itr < maxmitr); printf("The solution does n
ot converge or iterations are not sufficient");
ot converge or iterations are not sufficient");