Computer Science, asked by suprajav78, 11 months ago

Write a C++ Program to find the sum of odd factors of the number.(factor of 6 is 1,2,3 and 6 so sum =1+3=4)


Answered by Arslankincsem

#include <bits/stdc++.h>



// Returns sum of all factors of n.  



   // Traversing through all  

   // prime factors.  

   intres = 1;  


   // ignore even factors by  

   // removing all powers of  

   // 2  

   while(n % 2 == 0)  

       n = n / 2;  


   for(inti = 3; i <= sqrt(n); i++)  



       // While i divides n, print  

       // i and divide n  

       intcount = 0, curr_sum = 1  

       intcurr_term = 1;  

       while(n % i == 0) {  



           n = n / i;  


           curr_term *= i;  

           curr_sum += curr_term;  



       res *= curr_sum;  



   // This condition is to handle  

   // the case when n is a prime  

   // number.  

if(n >= 2)  

       res *= (1 + n);  





   // Driver code  



   intn = 30;  




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