Ironically, the only thing that can make this dog retreat is a cat! Apart from all this, Montmorency is always the most realistic of the four.
Montmerency is not portrayed as a mere dog.In face, he is treated at par with the human members of the rowing party.He is a fox-terrier who are clever, adventurous and fighters Montmerency does not like cats.
Once he saw a big black cat.He began to run after the poor cat.The cat showed no hurry.It sat down in the middle of the road.
The look of the cat was such that Montmorency had to stop and look back at the cat.After a while,the cat went away.montmorency came back,embarrased.
If anybody now says "cats" to Monmorency,he shrinks and looks up piteously at him as if to say "please don't".
Montmorencyis adventurous.He cannot let any challenge unresponded.Whenever he saw the boiling kettle,it seemed to challenge him.He got an opportunity once to seize it by the spout.
With a loud yelp left the boat and took a round of the island,running and stopping every now and then to bury his nose in cool mud.From that day he began to dread the kettle.
Montmorency is a fighter by nature.At Oxford he had eleven fights on the first day and fourteen on the second.He was so happy that he thought he had gone to heaven..!!!!
Montmorency was a small fox terrier who plays an important pary in the novel Three men in a boat. He was one of the companions of the three friends who went on the boat. Because of the presence of dog, the novel realizes some humour and funny part such as his fights with cats.
He makes many humorous actions which creates funny incidents in the novel. He was a dog with the fighting nature. His motive was to fight with the other dogs along with some of his friends. At Oxford also he had eleven fights with dogs on first day and twelve fights on second day.
He has been called as "an angel sent on earth" by narrator because of his actions and presence in the novel. An incident dates back to his action when he saw a cat and came back to the narrator and his friends.