Write a classification paragraph on novels
First Dates
A first date can end up being categorized as successful, a clingy, a boastful or awkward. Successful first dates include both parties expressing information about what they like, who they are, and so forth. Usually, these dates will end in tentative plans for a second one. Clingy dates end up with one of the parties practically begging for information about the other. However, the non-clinger is not interested. On boastful dates, one member of the duo talks about all of his or her skills, talents, and abilities. The listening end of the pair is never asked about his or her life. Awkward first dates generally involve lots of silence or one or both of the partners not knowing how to act appropriately. While many dates occur every day, they can generally fall into one of these categories.
Different students attend various types of schools; however, they can usually be classified as either public, private religious, private non religious, or alternative. Public schools are funded by the state, and the majority of students in the United States attend them. Private religious schools are based around a particular faith, such as Catholicism, Judaism, and so forth. The religion is part of the every day lives of the students and they also learn about the faiths. All types of private schools do not receive state funding. Therefore, private non religious schools are simply just that: schools which do not receive state funding and have the ability to make their own rules. Alternative schools can be made up of a variety of different categories, such as the Montessori program or technical schools. Most students who attend class in an actual school building go to one of these types of institutions.
Although friendship is something that most people enjoy, friendships are not all the same. Some friendships are forged from a long-term familiarity with one another, and other friendships can spring up just by spending one fun evening together. Not all friendships result in daily or even weekly time spent together; long-term friendships can be kept afloat using communication tools like the Internet and telephone, while other friendships result in sporadic get-togethers sometimes months or even years apart. People seek different things in friendship, meaning certain friendships result around trips to a diner or video games while other friendships may occur due to a work relationship or general common interests.
A classification paragraph begins a main idea and discusses the subcategories of that topic, comparing and contrasting them with each other. Following are some examples of classification paragraphs.