English, asked by arshifan91, 5 months ago

write a comparative writing on onsite learning vs online learning .format first para introduction second para advantages of onsite learning third para advantages of online learning fourth para compare onsite learning and online learning and fifth para conclusion


Answered by Mariya7972

Onsite learning and online learning do the same work, [ teaching kids]

But some people like ONLINE and some ONSITE

Some advantages of online learnings are;

Online courses require more time than on-campus classes. ...

Online courses make it easier to procrastinate. ...

Online courses require good time-management skills. ...

Online courses may create a sense of isolation. ...

Online courses allow you to be more independent. ...

Online courses require you to be an active learner.

Onsite learning;

You study well

Your teacher can see your work and correct them

Consistent messaging for your team or organization.

Flexible scheduling allows you to pick the date, time, and location that's most convenient.

Ability to customize the course content to specifically align with your business objectives.

Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right. The best online learning combines elements where students go at their own pace, on their own time, and are set up to think deeply and critically about subject matter combined with elements where students go online at the same time and interact with other students, their teacher and content.

Both are best, but if you are excellent in your studies then you don't need onsite, but if not I love Onsite more

We contract with people

We meet friends

and etc...


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