History, asked by ragabiel, 10 months ago

Write a comparison between hitler and Kim Jong Un concentration camp.. Can anyone please send it

ragabiel: I’m extremely sorry Sahil.. I have not seen your answer before marking... Your answer is perfect as well


Answered by rishavthakur27
Considering Hitler was responsible for a large part of World War 2 and also the Holocaust, he cant really be compared to Kim-Jong-Un as he was done nothing of that sort. However, like Hitler, Kim-Jong-Un has maintained concentration camps all over North Korea, where prisoners have been subject to inhumane punishment, which has been confirmed by prisoners who have managed to escape in recent years.

Although Hitler’s camps were made for the mass extermination of millions, camps in North Korea are no less like being in hell. soldiers are known to brutally beat prisoners to death. Policy also says that if one person commits a crime, their whole family will go to concentration camps. So to, if someone has been born while in a camp, that person will be a prisoner for life.

There are currently well over 200,000 prisoners in North Korea. And just like in the Nazi concentration camps, these people are also forced to do hard labor day in and day out.

Kim-Jung-Un also rules the country with a dictatorship like Hitler once did. Everything in North Korea has some sort of link to the Kim family. All people are subject to propaganda, and if people don't agree with it or refuse to, basically, ‘worship’ everything about the Kim family, they are sent away for further education, but likely are sent to concentration camps. Hitler was just as cruel and ruthless, and the SS and Gestapo killed off anyone who opposed his rule or the Third Reich’s propaganda.

Over the years many came to question his leadership, or made a simple mistake. whether a civilian official or a military commander, many were shot for treason. Kim-Jun-Un also uses the poor excuse of ‘treason’ to execute many of his own military commanders. Even Generals have been brutally killed. And some have simply ‘vanished’.

Hitler killed millions on a scale that Kim-Jong-Un could never do. However, their sense of brutality, cruelty, and the desire to be in full control over everything and everyone is certainly comparable.

ragabiel: Thank you so much
Annabeth1piper: very good answer.
rishavthakur27: thank you
Answered by Anonymous
Not as similar as you might first think. Sure, they are almost universally recognized as horrible people who committed mass murder of their own citizens, but that's about where the similarities end.

First, Hitler rose to power under his own charisma and the unique circumstances of post WWI Germany while Kim Jong-Un (KJU) was the third in a dynastic family of leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Second, Hitler and his Nazi Germany waged an expansionist war on their neighbors. Kim will never go Northeast towards Russia or Northwest towards China, and will likely not attempt to move against his enemy, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and be content to remain in power in his little country. In fact, KJU is more a student of Stalin than Hitler.

Kim, like Stalin, remains in power through terror and purges. KJU is reported to have killed well over 300 high ranking people and counting including his uncle and half brother in public and using such methods as death by flame thrower, anti-aircraft gun, mortar and in the case of his brother VX nerve agent. . While Hitler centralized power in his hands, he nearly always trusted his inner circle and only fired or executed subordinates when they demonstrated incompetence or insubordination. Stalin, however, was known for his internal reign terror and purges of his fellow Bolsheviks. Like Stalin, Kim keeps concentric circles of trust around him, with his closest relatives and advisors closest to him, but also like Stalin, KJU will move them to remote and insignificant posts or kill them if they develop any individual power and following of their own.

The final example of why KJU is more similar to Stalin than Hitler is that Kim's father and grandfather were also students of Stalin and set up a regime straight out of George Orwell's novel, 1984. Every citizen of the DPRK has an official caste ranking called songbun based on their family's perceived alliance to the State. . Three broad castes are divided 51 categories, and one's ranking control everything from rations to educational opportunities and employment. Bribes to officials and filing reports on the anti-state activities of your neighbors may raise your ranking slightly, but the system is designed to punish, not reward.

So, is Kim Jong-un like Hitler? Sure, they will both go down in history as evil, psychotic killers, but in comparison of their leadership style, national and foreign policy, and their individual effect on the world Kim is very different from Hitler.

I hope this will help you

ragabiel: Thank you so much
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