write a composition on,you went to visit your aunt who has a pet dog.Narrate some exciting experience with the dog.(Also write how the dog looked,where you went,the details of the places you went)
Answer; It was the time of christmas,me and my brother were going to my aunts house to celebrate there,As soon as we went outside of the car my aunt came with a warm smile,she loved us very much,as we went inside we heard some loud bark,me and my brother were frighten to see a dog which was looking like a wolf it came near to us and smelled and and went away our said that she brought a new dog recently,frist two days we were little bit frighten about that dog it so tall and very furry,and it was looking active
but one day aunt was busy in kitchen she was making some cookies for us and told me to give some food to her dog,i was frighten but i gathered some courage and went to it,seeing its food he was so active and ran around me, i placed the food in his bowl ,stayed there till he finished all
and the another day i took him to walking now i was not frighten any more we were like friends,and he listened to me and he would understand what i was saying to him,the best part was on the cristmas i gave him a rubber ball as a gift to him he so happy that rest of the day he spend playing with it the day arrived when we would left aunts house and go back while i was packing my bag that dog gave me a sad look i thought to give it a name i gave it as BUZOO,hafter going to home i missed BUZOO a lot i think he too missed me
sorry if something is worng
hope it helps you friends