Write a dairy entry deseecribing an science experiment/funny incident in the swimming pool in the school today
Dear Diary,
Today was the best day ever.The students, teachers and I were having a pool party.Then one came a dog which was running so fast that it knocked down one of the teachers who was so scared of water.Then we hurriedly rescued her and continued playing in the pool.After some time,we had picnics that were so delicious then out came the dusk and we moved to the bus.We were dancing and joking around and then a girl was asked to sing and her voice cracked so loudly and we laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt,although we were not supposed to laugh.Then we each arrived home and I told my mom how everything happened and I finally go to bed to write this,and this is how I spent today.
I know its a lame passage but I just wanted to test my skill,which is awful