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do you think that life is better than 50 years ago....?
Remaining anonymous and staying off the grid was possible 50 years ago
Without any GPS or tracking systems, it was possible to completely disappear. But, now it's near impossible to completely vanish with social media, geotags, and GPS. Additionally, financial transactions have also gone largely digital in recent years, making it even more difficult to delete your digital footprint.
Work life used to be more personal and less reliant on technology
Today, many tasks in an office depend on some form of technology whether you're making copies, typing your to-do list, sending an email, or scanning a spreadsheet. But some are so reliant on it they even send emails to colleagues sitting a few feet away instead of communicating in person. Fifty years ago, communicating in the office was much more personal.
It was easier to focus before the advent of technology
It's getting harder and harder to focus on a task — especially in the workplace — because of the importance of technology and social media in our lives. In fact, a study found that in 2004, people on average were distracted every three minutes. By 2014, their attention span dropped to 59.5 seconds. Our ability to focus on a task has dramatically decreased over time.
I wasn’t yet born. But since my childhood which was a decade later, the quality of childhood itself has changed. Before, children could roam the streets unsupervised. Run to their friends’ home. Bike, swim, play ball outside until the dark.
If you were a child and climbed a tree, sometimes way to far. And occasionally you would fall. But most often you would actually learn instead and become stronger. When you found a frog, you could touch the frog, you could put it in a jar and take it home.
Everything had a sharp and raw quality. There were germs. There was sweat. And bruises on the knees. You would interact with other small human beings and learn how to communicate, how to be friends or enemies, how to resolve conflict.
It was simple. And good.