English, asked by arunkumarsahni2004, 4 months ago

Write a debate either for or against the "Animal lovers are crazy"

please correct answer​


Answered by Anonymous


often cited as evidence of depth of character. Justine Hankins weighs up the pros and cons in the search for an

'We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals," opined Kant; but you don't need an 18th century German philosopher to tell you that. Any regular cinema-goer will know that the guy who scowls at a dog is going to turn out to be a bad sort. At the very least, he'll be a flawed character in need of redemption.

We can, and often do, draw conclusions based on attitudes to animals - but do such judgments ever lead to accurate character assessments? Can you hate bunnies and still be a nice person? Deliberately callous acts indicate a general propensity for violence, and the link between cruelty to animals and violence to humans has been well documented. But what if you're not actually cruel, merely indifferent?

Pet owners, it has to be said, tend to look askance at those who remain unmoved by the endearing gaze of their cherished charges; people who are unresponsive to pets are often judged to be cold, unfeeling and lacking in kindness.

Just as common are aspersions cast against the pet lover. Attachment to a privileged caste of animals is highly irksome to many non-pet people; which includes those who find pets tiresomely trivial as well as some animal rights activists who regard pets as enslaved creatures in need of liberation. The riposte is that pet owners are sentimental and, for the most part, hypocritical; doting on their anthropomorphised companions while munching on lamb. Worse, those who like animals stand accused of misanthropy; their affections deemed misplaced in a world of human suffering.

These opposing camps are succinctly illustrated by the following two quotes. Roger A Caras starts his book, Celebrating Cats, with this line: "Tradition has it that Adolf Hitler hated cats. He probably did; everything else was wrong with him." Roger Scruton, on the other hand, writes in Animal Rights And Wrongs: "It is in no way surprising that Hitler, for example, sentimentalised animals and lived among pets."

Now, when writers start using such embarrassing hyperbole and referring to the Third Reich to back up their position on pets, I'm inclined to think that the debate has run somewhat out of control; the fact that Hitler was a dog rather than a cat person is not a useful insight. Some perspective, surely, is needed. Some of my best friends have absolutely no interest in animals - yet we manage to agree to differ. In truth, I'm not convinced that keeping, liking, loving, loathing, or simply ignoring, animals tells us very much at all about a person's character or moral compass. Going squidgy over your cat doesn't prevent you caring passionately about fair trade or education any more than a disinclination to pat a dog means you're in favour of factory farming or prone to wanton acts of cruelty. There are probably a few people who worry more about stray dogs than homeless children.

But then, some people care much more about their football team than weightier issues of injustice, inequality, poverty or, let's be honest, pretty much anything else you'd care to mention. Yet the love of sport never seems to invite the same derision as the love of ferrets. There's nothing inherent about loving animals that makes people more disengaged from human affairs than those who'd rather not have a cat on their lap. All sorts of studies have tried to determine whether pet owners are more sociable, less self-confident, more caring towards other people and so on. Guess what? They are neither nicer nor nastier, sillier nor less public spirited than those without. James Serpell, an academic who has studied human attitudes to animals for many years, states in his book, In The Company Of Animals: "We have no good evidence that the majority of pet-owners are any different from anyone else."

Answered by rohitkumargupta


Write a debate either for or against the "Animal lovers are crazy"

Loss of a loved one is never leave it is uniquely challenging.

When you most need your closest family member and around you,

You must stay socialy distant. 8:00 amplifier is the grief but there

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I was never much of a baker before this year. Don't get me wrong,I was capable of the basics like your typing easy to make brownie chocolate chips cookies but beyond that I was completely clueless.

But loves of the animals are wonderful during this I spend my my whole time

Between the dogs which are looking so cute and I play with them.



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