write a debate in against the topic," industrial development of towns are essential"???
At the same time, new problems linked to industrialisation are emerging, such as rising greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, growing volumes of waste, desertification and chemicals pollution. The more developed a country's industrial capacity, the greater the potential for economic growth and development.
Industrialization to achieve economic development has resulted in global environmental degradation. At the same time, new problems linked to industrialisation are emerging, such as rising greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, growing volumes of waste, desertification and chemicals pollution.
Industrial development is necessary for modernisation of agriculture. We need tractors, threshers, pump sets and harvesters to modernise agriculture. To increase productivity, we need chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides etc. These are all industrial products.
Industrialisation: Industrialisation may be defined as a process in which more and more industries are being established in a country. Industrialisation has a major role to play in the economic development of the under-developed countries like India.
While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of the economic growth, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were child labor, pollution, and harsh working conditions. First, the big negative was child labor.