English, asked by arunkshma483, 9 months ago

Write a debate on a topic education is better than money


Answered by aburaihana123

Education is the indestructible thing in destructible life.


  • Amount of money varies according to our status but acquiring knowledge is wider through a period of time.
  • United Nation placed the quality education as Goal 4 in Sustainable development goals, there is no goal for acquiring money or gaining the money.
  • Money is inevitable in order to sustain the life in present world but it is not superior among all.
  • Money will be destruted or stolen by someone but Education remains constant or towards increasing trend.
  • Money will be earned through education but education is not earned through money.
  • It is acquired by the person who is in thirst of knowledge, passion, etc.

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Answered by krishna210398


                               Education is Better than Money

Honorable principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends, a very warm Good Morning to all of you. I Tanya of Std. 10 'C' present in front of you to deliver my view on the topic Education is Better than Money.

As we all assemble over here for a debate on the topic of whether Education is better than Money or not. So, presenting myself in favour of the topic that Yes!, Education is far better than Money. As we know that education is a pillar of anybody's development in their life Because it plays a vital role in becoming a man self-dependent. Without education, man is nothing in his life. Money is important too for the survival of life but not more than education, this is because if a person is educated they will make his own money through that knowledge he have.

When a child is born he has been sent to school when he reached the age of 5 from the nursery to class 12th, he studied hard and then took admission in university for being graduated. So by acquiring all the knowledge from nursery to graduation he became capable enough to do a job in either of the sectors he wants i.e either government or private. So all the things happen just because of education. On the other side suppose if the doesn't get admission in school in his childhood days so ultimately he could not be able to live a luxurious life that everyone wants, he may work some or another place to earn some money for the survival of his life.

So, at last, I wanted to conclude that education is a far better thing than Money.


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