Write a debate on "English education has torn up the very fabric of Indian culture and Traditions"
We are a 7000-old civilization but only 70 year old nation and a young democracy. The idea of India as a constitution and parliamentary democracy is only applicable to 1 per cent of our civilizational history. Therefore to mix one up with the other and talk about an ultimate idea of India is perhaps missing the basic point. For 250 years here of which around 190 has at the hands of the British , conceptual framework was alien to our people who have shaped the idea of India. First by the British and then by the agents of colonialism that they left behind. We have become a derivative culture rather than a culture that is ruled by its own civilization of people. It is not a question of just recreating the idea of India. It’s more appropriately about reclaiming the idea of India that was supressed but thankfully not obliterated. The 2030 Sustainable Agenda that UN adopted resonates with the civilisation of India – and this is the reflection of work done by Mahatma Gandhi and Deen Dayal Upadhya and others. Then how did we get this inferiority complex ? Today, Most of us are a product of English education and that perhaps explains the complex some have. This idea of India of a poor, rural insecure nation needs to be recreated - the Idea that we must pursue should the one that unleashes the power of our past. That is needs to recreated.
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