Hindi, asked by beniwal54, 1 year ago

write a debate on in Hindi vs English in Hindi language​


Answered by asamdisahal

Answer:We live in a country that speaks multiple languages, and our national language is Hindi. How fluently do you speak Hindi?

Speaking fluent Hindi depends on place to place. Earlier, I used to live in Ranchi and people spoke Hindi quite fluently and accurately but in Mumbai, I noticed that Hindi is not spoken that properly and it’s mixed with the local language. I speak fluent Hindi and it is my go-to language to converse with my friends or anyone I’d like to speak to. And it feels very friendly when you speak to someone in our national language.

2. What are the merits and demerits of studying in English medium school vs a Hindi medium school?

I believe that studying in an English medium school is more or less related to your social development and it definitely betters your spoken English. However, it diverts us from our national language, Hindi because it does not remain the main language. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re studying in English medium school or a Hindi medium school or if you’re learning things in any other language as long as you are studying properly and gaining knowledge. But you really feel the difference when you’re grown up and start looking for a job as many companies advocate English as the best way to interact with anyone globally.

3. Most people co-relate speaking fluent English with a good education, resulting in a brighter career in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Well, it’s true that speaking fluent English and brighter career are related nowadays but I really disagree with this co-relation because we can’t judge a person with one aspect just like we can’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe that person could be a maestro or skilled in any other job. Why do we need to look down upon an individual who’s learnt the same things we have but just in a different language or precisely in our national language, Hindi? It is time to shed those judgy looks and break this language stereotype and embrace the language of our land, Bharat.


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