write a debate on media does not need to conquer the outer space
1. Get students to get into groups based on which one of the following they agree
--- In favor of sending both human and robotic missions to space
--- In favor of only sending robotic missions to space
--- Not in favor of space exploration
--- Undecided
Let the students know that they can change groups at anytime during the debate, as
many times as they wish.
2. Give groups about 5 minutes to talk amongst themselves and decide which points
are the most important if they were to convince someone of their opinion.
3. Each group gets 2 minutes to state their case (other groups cannot rebuttal until
all groups have gone).
4. The debate begins! How this goes will depend on the class. The students can just
talk amongst themselves (but step in if it gets too off topic, or certain students are
dominating the conversation, etc.). Another way is to get the students to put their
hands up when they have something to say, and you choose who talks next. It is
useful to put a time limit (30---60 seconds) on how long they can talk for. Let the
debate go on for as long as time allows, but make sure there are 10---15 minutes at
the end of class for a wrap---up.
5. Interject information or ask questions as the debate goes on if someone is way off
base on something or if there is something important that hadn’t been covered yet.
Try your best, though, not to influence the students.
6. Makes notes of points that were brought up often (typically economics, humans
vs. machines, other things (social programs, health research) are more important,
7. Wrap---up the debate by providing information regarding the points that were
brought up often (what percentage of American budget goes to NASA; spin---off
technologies; collaboration between humans & robots, we need to find somewhere
to live when Earth “explodes”, etc.). Write down a table with pros and cons of space
exploration. Let the students know that this topic is continually under debate
among scientists.