English, asked by kaurparjoban, 3 months ago

write a debate on the topic CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE GREATEST THREAT FACING HUMANITY TODAY either or against the motion​


Answered by soumyabratamukherjee

Here I am strictly for the motion that climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today.

This summer in Chennai, locals were praying for some rain; in Mumbai, people were reeling under a deluge. Long ago, these extreme disparities may have been solely blamed on nature’s vagaries, but now science has established that human-induced climate change is playing a major role. Climate change, caused by emissions from industries and other human activity, is making the world warmer, disrupting rainfall patterns and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events. No country is immune to these forces, but India is particularly vulnerable.

In 2018-19, as many as 2,400 Indians lost their lives to extreme weather events such as floods and cyclones, according to the environment ministry. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) says these events are increasing in both frequency and intensity Extreme events may be the most tangible and immediate impact of climate change, but another more long-term and equally dangerous effect is rising temperatures.


Can understand how climate change is greatest threat facing humanity today??? Sure It is.

Answered by varshavikasinis


Well am clearly against the motion not because someone is for before itself but because-of course climate change is a threat facing humanity but not "THE GREATEST" as mentioned here


Well for 1) there is depletion of natural resources which not only affects one place but all of us in whole , for example take the incident which happened in Cape Town two years ago - with rapid urbanization and relatively high per capita water consumption, Cape Town had all the makings of a water crisis. In 2018, after three years of poor rainfall, the city announced drastic action was needed to avoid running out.

Isn't it an enough reason to go against the topic? Well if it isn't number 2)there is Starvation of Food across the world which started to raise and spread among small countries . For example let us take Somalia -Since January, the number of Somalis facing starvation has ballooned by 40 per cent. A large portion of those affected are already internally displaced – be it through conflict, insecurity or drought. ... Last week the organisation said its agencies had been forced to cut back in Somalia due to an acute lack of funding. Doesn't it seem like quite an issue or more accurately a "THREAT" indeed?

Last but not least number 3) the increase in the human population -Human population, now nearing 8 billion, cannot continue to grow indefinitely. There are limits to the life-sustaining resources earth can provide us. In other words, there is a carrying capacity for human life on our planet. Carrying capacity is the maximum number of a species an environment can support indefinitely. (i.e) when the country has enough resources for 10 million people and there are 20 million people in the country and the resources are rapidly used at a count of 30 million people will the resources last ? No right? And isn't it another "THREAT" we should take care of?

So I would like to wrap up by saying that "CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT THE GREATEST THREAT FACING HUMANITY" . Thank You .

-Varsha Vikasini

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