write a debate on "women with young children should go to work" about 150 words
A civilisation is known by the way it treats women and children. No woman with young children should go to work. A nation should take care of mothers with young children. Caring for children is a full time job and mothers should not work two full time jobs at the same time. It is totally unreasonable to put too much burden on women. Women are caring for children who will be the future. Children should grow up healthy physically and mentally under their mothers. We need mothers to mentor children to grow up with good moral values.
Under a patriarchal social setup, women have been suppressed and treated as inferior human beings. They are more or less confined to the kitchen and caring for children. Time is changing and along with it the status of women. They are becoming economically self dependent. Their social status is improving. Their voice count in decision making. A women with young children should not be an excuse to forbid her from working on a job. Child rearing is a 50-50 joint venture between a wife and her husband. The problem is that husbands or fathers are not contributing very little to this joint venture. However, as the mother she needs time off from any work during the late stage of pregnancy and after delivery of the child. I am glad that they can avail maternity leave during those periods. This must be made into a law for both government and private enterprises.