write a decimal that is between 0.6534 and 0.6535
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The decimals that are between 0.6534 and 0.6535 are 0.65341 , 0.65342, 0.65343 , 0.65344 etc
We have to find a decimal that is between 0.6534 and 0.6535
There are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers on the number series.
Since the given numbers have four decimal points and are consecutive numbers, to find the numbers between then we have to use the fifth decimal place.
The numbers between the two numbers are:-
0.65341 , 0.65342, 0.65343 , 0.65344 , 0.65345 , 0.65346 , 0.65347 , 0.65348 , 0.65349 etc
Learn more about decimal numbers
30.303,Write the given decimal numbers in expanded form.
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