English, asked by arshiajs123, 7 months ago

Write a descriptive paragraph about your favourite character from a book in 100 words.
Please answer this question quickly.
I will mark u as brainlest!!!!!!!


Answered by padtetanvi


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Talk2. Who is your favorite character in the story? Describe and tell why he or she is your favorite.

Ms. Kline's 7th Period

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1Ms.Kline123Sep 23, 2011, 11:47am

Responses should be two paragraphs long and include the title, author, and examples from the text.

2katiew101Sep 23, 2011, 4:00pm

My favorite character in my book so far is Buck inThe Call Of The Wild by Jack London . Buck is a dog that shows courage. Even though he has been kidnapped, beaten, and forced to learn how to be a slead dog he trys to do what he needs to do in hopes that he will return home soon. His previous owner was The Judge. Buck was not a dog that liked to be pamperd, he was a dog that liked to get his food outside and never slept inside.

The day that Buck got kidnapped started of as an ordinary day. He went for a stroll in the woods when a rope got put around his neak. He exepted the rope for one minute untill he noticed what was going on. As soon as that happed he began to fight back. The rope was twisted and he fell to the ground in pain. Buck tried to bite the kidnappers mutipul times but each atempt ended with the twist of a rope and more pain. This is why Buck is my favorite charactor. He knew when to fight back and when to let what ever was going to happen, happen.


this is ur answer plzz mark as brainliest : )

Answered by yashvardhansurvase


write down about Harry Potter series

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