English, asked by manveen26, 3 months ago

Write a descriptive paragraph in 100-120 words describing your bicycle .​



Answered by anita9570391301


words describing your bicycle.

You may like to include the following points in your description:

• brand, model and manufacturer

• colour, size, materials, type and price

special occasion on which you got/bought it (birthday, success . no. of gears and other equipment (ty

in examination, lucky draw etc.)

reflectors, bottle stand, lock, lights etc.

purpose (fun riding, exercise or personal conveyance)

its care and maintenance and parking lot

. its importance to you (e.g. eco-friendly and good for health and fitness)

res, bell.


please follow me please

Answered by ajaypareek697

Bicycles are common and almost every kid has a bicycle. I too had been longing for one and I kept telling my parents that I wanted one.

But they were first not very much willing, considering the risks and dangers. Almost all my friends have bicycles and I really wanted one.

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