Write a detailed description of Albert Edward Foreman's character in 'The verger'?
Albert Edward Foreman is a successful man and a verger at a church although he is illiterate. He knows how to make proper use of his knowledge. The newly appointed vicar of the church is astonished that Foreman is illiterate. When he refuses to read, the vicar is forced to terminate him.
When he talks about this to his daughter, he notices that there is no tobacconist shop at all. He talks to his landlord Emma about this. In due course he opens many shops and marries Emma. Foreman began depositing his amount in a bank. The manager suggests that he make an investment following which Albert Foreman expresses his inability to do so because he is illiterate. Shocked, the manager asked him if he knew where he would be if he were literate, Foreman immediately says that he would have been a verger in a church.
A successful man & a church verger, however, Albert Edward Foreman is an literate man. Nevertheless he knows how to make best use of knowledge. Foreman is astonished at the recently named vicar of the parish. The newly appointed vicar is compelled to terminate Albert Foreman because he he cannot read and the newly appointed vicar did not take the risk of some accident that might happen owing to Foreman's lamentable ignorance..
- After having lost his job as vicar, Albert Foreman took a shop on rent and became a tobacco dealer and a news agent. The idea of becoming a tobacco dealer struck him when he realised that there was not a single shop in the street that he used to walk up and down when going to the church as a Vicar. This perhaps indicate that Albert Foreman's business acumen that he thought of starting a tobacco shop in that area which he knew would be successful considering there were many people who want to smoke while passing through that area.
- Albert Edward was a non-smoker as well as a total abstainer, however, he liked a "glass of beer" with his dinner & when he was tired, he rarely, "enjoyed a cigarette". Perhaps this was the reason that he did not bother to notice that there was no tobacco shop in that street. Although his wife said it was a dreadful come-down after being verger of St Peter's, however Albert Foreman had answered that he had to "move with the times". This perhaps shows that he was practical in life and knew how to accept truth/reality and move on rather than cribbing about the past or what is lost
- He had owned no less than ten shops in ten years and made huge profits from his shops. Albert Foreman then began depositing this amount in a bank. The bank manager, then suggests/recommends that Albert Foreman make an investment after which Albert Foreman shows his reluctance to do so because he is illiterate. Surprised, the manager asked him if he did know where he'd be if he were a literate, Foreman responds by saying that he'd be a verger in a church.
To know more
Narrate the circumstances that under which the verger had to lose ...