write a detailed note on Manpower Demand Forecasting techniques at both micro and macro level.
In spite of the universally accepted idea that a tourist not just buys the tourism product
but also in a way buys the service skills and qualities of a wide range of humans working
in hotels and other allied fields and in return who would contribute to the total holiday
experience of tourists, 111 many countries, we see that the growth and development of
tourism is adversely affected either due to lack of trained human resources or poor
quality in service arid so on. The reasons for this is rightly assessed by Tom Baum
(1993) who has pointed out that there is a "tendency to develop human resource
policies, initiatives and remedial programmes that are reactive to what is currently
happening rather than proactive to what is likely to occur." He further stresses that,
"as a general axiom, effective human resource strategies require considerable lead
time in order to support tourism development and, ideally, should be in place well
before the bulldozers and diggers move in".