Write a detailed note on pattern of governance of a medieval town.
Medieval cities
Medieval cities1. Medieval cities Víctor Marín Navarro http://labrujuladeltiempo.wordpress.com @VictorMarinNav
Medieval cities1. Medieval cities Víctor Marín Navarro http://labrujuladeltiempo.wordpress.com @VictorMarinNav2. Medieval cities In the 12th and 13th centuries, a period of economic growth led to the rebirth of cities. Cities became important centres of artisan activity and trade. A new social class appeared called the bourgeoisie. It was made up of traders, artisans and bankers. At the beginning of the 14th century, social tensions increased due to food shortages, rising prices and a general decline in the quality
Medieval cities1. Medieval cities Víctor Marín Navarro http://labrujuladeltiempo.wordpress.com @VictorMarinNav2. Medieval cities In the 12th and 13th centuries, a period of economic growth led to the rebirth of cities. Cities became important centres of artisan activity and trade. A new social class appeared called the bourgeoisie. It was made up of traders, artisans and bankers. At the beginning of the 14th century, social tensions increased due to food shortages, rising prices and a general decline in the quality3. The return of urban life At the end of 11th century, in Western Europe, agricultural production increased and population grew. This situation was produced by different causes: ● The number of wars and invasions decreased sharply. ● New technical innovations in agriculture, such as triennial rotation, which increased production. ● New farming tools, such as fertiliser, ploughs and mills.