Social Sciences, asked by faizansheikhashfi, 6 months ago

write a detailed note on the deccan India as a stone age site​


Answered by anilpandeypac912


So long ago as 1930, in the September number of Antiquity, Mr. M. C. Burkitt made an attempt to set out in some order the early archaeological discoveries of south-east India. The bases for the study were the finds and notes made during a long period of years by Mr. L. A. Cammiade over a wide area of country including the districts along the lower reaches of the Godavari River. Actually, the finds made near this river were all from the surface and could not be accurately dated. They were, however, mostly microlithic in character ; but it was clear that many ages were represented. Mr. H. D. Sankalia has now published a short article, “Studies in Prehistory of the Deccan (Maharashtra): a Survey of the Godavari and the Kadva near Niphad” “(Bull. Deccan Coll. Res. Inst.,” 4, No. 3) which, while not taking us much further, has a certain interest. Briefly, the Godavari has, in places, cut down through the trap to a low level, having previously deposited on the trap a series of gravels in which Mr. Sankalia has discovered a few artefacts in situ. Unfortunately, the illustrations are not very good, and it does not appear that any outstanding finds have been made, but Mr. Sankalia is to be congratulated on having started an investigation which eventually may prove to be of considerable interest. It must always be remembered that the well-known micro-industries of the rock shelters in the Central Provinces of India, far from corresponding to the Mesolithic industries of Britain, are apparently for the most part post-Christian in date. At the same time there are post-Middle Stone Age finds of small implements in the Cammiade collection which probably do date to Late Pleistocene times. Further work by Mr. Sankalia may help to elucidate these problems.

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Answered by deviprema621


dur chhune rrfhyr re shri men

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